Sunday, May 1, 2011

Big Picture - The Very Good Beginning

Hopefully you have a


We are ready to begin our adventure of reading through it and thinking about it all through the month of May. Today is May 1 - read section 1 - The Very Good Beginning.

God created a beautiful world - and beautiful people in His image. They obeyed Him and knew that He was their king. It was wonderful................. There was no sadness or sin. There were no hardships or troubles. It was a very good beginning.

Bruce Wesley talked today in the adult service about troubles that we all face and how to have peace in the midst of them. In the very good beginning there were no troubles - everyone was at peace because they were in a relationship with God. He was their King. As you follow along in THE BIG PICTURE BIBLE, and as you attend the teaching series this month about finding will see that the only way to have peace is to be at peace with God and allow Him to be your king.

The beginning was very good............unfortunately tomorrow we will read about the very sad day.

As you read today, worship God. Thank Him for creating everyone in your family in a special way. Thank Him for the beautiful world He made. Go for a walk today and celebrate creation. It was a very good day when God created the world and you!

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