Friday, May 9, 2014

Rahab - One of my favorite stories

We are on Day 9 of the Reading Plan.  How are you doing???

Big Picture  p. 141-155
Jesus Storybook p. 108-115

Rahab is one of my favorite characters in the Bible because.......

  • She was brave.  She hid the spies.  She knew that was the right thing to do - and she did it, even though it was a dangerous choice.  Her life and her family's lives were at risk because of her bold move - and she made it anyway!
  • She was chosen.  She wasn't an Israelite.  She was a foreigner, but God used her for His rescue plan of the Israelites.  
  • She was part of the lineage of Jesus.  God not only used her to help rescue the Israelites - but He made her a part of the great rescue plan for all of us.  She was a great, great,.........grandmother to Jesus!  She was part of the family Jesus was born into. I want to be brave, bold, and usable in God's plan today!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nothing Can Stop God's Plan

Big Picture Story Bible - p.83-102
Jesus Storybook Bible - p. 62-83

Nothing can stop God's plan!

Today you will read the story of Joseph.  He was betrayed, imprisoned, and lived through a famine.  But nothing can stop God's plan!  Joseph was betrayed - but God's plan was still in place.  Joseph was imprisoned but God's plan was still in place.  God put Joseph where He needed Him to save His people.

Nothing Can Stop God's Plan!

God has a plan to rescue each of us from our sin.  No matter what our sins are..........or how many..........God's plan is still in place.  He sent His Son to die for all of them.  Help your child today to see God's plan in the story of Joseph.  Help him to see God's plan to rescue him as you tell him the story of Jesus.

Thank You God - that nothing can stop your plan!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Promise

The Big Picture Story Bible - p. 51-66
The Jesus Storybook Bible - p. 38-55

Today your reading will include the story of Noah and the promise of the rainbow.  God saved Noah's family with the Ark.  God saved all of us with His son Jesus who died for our sins.  The rainbow reminds us of God saving Noah and his family - but it should also remind us of the way Jesus saved us.  As you read today - help your child see his own promise of salvation - or rescue through Jesus.

It's a beautiful day - make rainbows on the driveway with sidewalk chalk!

Thank you God for rescuing us!